First National Real Estate
First National Real Estate is a real estate marketing collective of 281 offices nationally across Australia and a further 33 offices in New Zealand representing more than 2800 real estate agent teams.
First National provides its members with a comprehensive technology suite that provides sophisticated tools, digital marketing, social media and mobile responsive strategy to drive leads.
However, finding content that was relevant to local offices, and could be produced quickly, accurately and easily was a missing piece in their suite.
First National were looking for a solution that could be offered to every office in their group affordably, which could generate a base level of quality content reliably and which was flexible enough so that engaged offices could produce more and scale their results further.
The HomePrezzo platform offered an out-of-the-box solution for First National which together with some clever customisation is now being used by nearly 200 offices.
- Could HomePrezzo customise the standard in-platform Suburb Reports so that First National offices would have reports that were brand colour and font compliant?
- How to onboard hundreds of offices and ensure they had a positive user experience that would encourage them to use the platform regularly.
- Could HomePrezzo integrate into existing marketing tools used by First National rather than ask agents to log into yet another app?
- How would HomePrezzo drive engagement for offices and agents to encourage them to get the most value out of the investment that First National was making?
HomePrezzo took the agency list of First National and created accounts for every office in the HomePrezzo platform that featured First National logos preloaded.
HomePrezzo’s designers used the First National branding guidelines to create a First National version of the Suburb Report that was brand compliant. A branded button was installed into the dashboard of every office allowing users to create First National Suburb Reports with a single click.
Additional functionality was also delivered that allowed First National users to upload their own cover and back page photos to personalise the reports further.
To encourage offices and agents to use the content - and see how easy it is to create - HomePrezzo delivers a monthly EDM to each First National agent with a copy of the suburb market report based on the suburb where their office is located. This is immediately useful to offices and provides a reminder for users to log into the system.
HomePrezzo also regularly holds webinars for First National offices delivering content and training updates.
HomePrezzo now also further delivers four suburb videos for each office - more than 1100 videos a month - into the Social Estate social media delivery system. This provides content that can be automatically posted on Facebook and targeted to specific geographic audiences.
What HomePrezzo created for
First National offices each month

281 suburb reports and emails sent directly to 1484 agents

1124 suburb videos and uploads into Social Estate social media integration